Ticket T857285
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How to change a progress bar's color conditionally based on its value

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T246223: How can I implement a progress bar in the ListView grid column and DetailView editor for both Windows and Web?]

I find this editor very useful, but I would like to know if there's a way to apply conditional appearance to it. Indeed, I would like to color the progress bar from red to green, based on the completion percentage.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 5 years ago

Hello Matteo,

Our WinForms and ASP.NET progress bar controls mentioned in this article allow you to change their indicator color. In WinForms, there are special StartColor and EndColor properties - see ProgressBarControl Class. In ASP.NET, change the ASPxProgressBar.IndicatorStyle.BackColor property based on the control's value. See an example at ASPxGridView - How to implement ASPxProgressBar in DataCell with a custom color.

    Comments (2)
    ML ML
    Matteo Lazzari 5 years ago

      Thank you. I'll go with a controller, but an AppearanceRule would be appreciated.

      Anatol (DevExpress) 5 years ago

        You can support the Conditional Appearance module in your custom Property Editor by implementing the IAppearanceFormat interface. Its IAppearanceFormat.BackColor property should get and set the corresponding control value (e.g., ASPxProgressBar.IndicatorStyle.BackColor).

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