We are using XtraReport MVC viewer for previewing the report. We have experienced problems with print after Chrome 76 Update.
I have found the solution provided by Yaroslav in https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T814122/aspxdocumentviewer-print-report-button-does-not-work-after-google-chrome-update-76-0 I have tried to patch report viewer as was suggested in the issue above but the fix does not work as expected.
When I initiate printing, it tries to print HTML preview version (notice the URL is being added to footer by the browser) instead of printing PDF version. Save to PDF functionality is working fine.
How can I initiate PDF printing from the toolbar without upgrading all DevExpress libraries?
Hi Rune,
>>I have tried to patch report viewer as was suggested in the issue above but the fix does not work as expected.
The solution I suggested is the one you need to use. If it does not work for you, that's probably you added the required code in the wrong place. Can you clarify whether you see any errors in the "Console" tab of your browser DevTools (F12)?
To verify whether the behavior you observe is specific to your application, I've attached a sample MVC project that implements the suggested workaround. Would you please check it and let us know if this particular demo works for you?