Ticket T830252
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sheet.SplitPosition in XL Export does not seem to work

SplitPosition does not work in Excel Export library

created 5 years ago

Setting IXLSheet.SplitPosition succeeds in code but has no effect on the exported spreadsheet. Have tried with various values without success.

The SplitPosition value persists right up to the moment the sheet goes out of scope (End Using) but the exported spreadsheet never has frozen columns or rows. I am simply trying to freeze the top few rows.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 5 years ago


Note that the SplitPosition property should be set before  creating columns, rows and cells if you create an .XLSX document. In the opposite case, this setting will be ignored. Please check where in your project you initialized the SplitPosition property value.

    Comments (2)

      Thanks for the prompt response. Yes, that fixes it but I don’t see those instructions in the documentation and it’s not really something anybody could be expected to guess.

      DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

        I already informed our technical writers of your inquiry. We will add the corresponding note into the IXlSheet.SplitPosition Property help topic.

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