Ticket T820506
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A java script error when printing a report from the ASPxDocumentViewer control in Chrome v77

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T814122: ASPxDocumentViewer - Print Report button does not work after Google Chrome Update 76.0.3809.132]

We installed the hotfix 18.2.11 but when we click the printbutton, it throws an Error in Chrome: Cannot read property 'contentType' of null
The error occurs on: if(f.contentDocument.contentType !== "text/html")
We use the DocumentViewer Extension

Screenshot is attached
is there any solution?

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

    My attempt to reproduce this behavior was not successful. In the attachment, you will find a sample video illustrating that everything works fine on my side. Please provide me with a sample project that demonstrates the problematic behavior. I look forward to hearing from you.

      Thanks for the feedback.
      Unfortunately our Documentviewer is not so easy to set off from the main project.
      But i try.
      I noticed that your script is executed 3 times.
      The third time the contentType is null and the Script crashes.

      I have attached our DocumentViewer cshtml code .

      DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

        I cannot determine why the workaround doesn't work only by reviewing your view. I have attached the sample project that I used in the video from my previous comment. Please modify the project so I can reproduce the issue on my side.

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