Hello friends, I have the same error described in ticket T814122 but with the version DevExpress 16.2.4 and Chrome Update 77.0.3865.75
What solutions do we have for this version?
I highly appreciate your help!
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If updating the AXPxDocumentViewer control is not an option for you, please consider the workaround provided by Yaroslav in the ASPxDocumentViewer - Print Report button not working after Google Chrome Update 76.0.3809.132 ticket.
I have made the following proposed change in my Dafault.aspx file, but it still doesn't work. I have v16.2.4, what am I skipping?
<script type="text/javascript"> function init(s) { var createFrameElement = s.viewer.printHelper.createFrameElement; s.viewer.printHelper.createFrameElement = function (name) { var frameElement = createFrameElement.call(this, name); if (ASPx.Browser.Chrome) { frameElement.addEventListener("load", function (e) { if (frameElement.contentDocument && frameElement.contentDocument.contentType !== "text/html") frameElement.contentWindow.print && frameElement.contentWindow.print(); }); } return frameElement; } } </script> <dx:ASPxDocumentViewer ID="ASPxDocumentViewer1" runat="server" Height="763px" ToolbarMode="Ribbon" Width="100%" ReportTypeName="XtraReport1"> <ClientSideEvents Init="init" /> </dx:ASPxDocumentViewer>
I tried to reproduce the issue using the same code, but couldn't. I have attached a sample video to illustrate how everything works on my side. Would you please check out if any error occurs when you are printing a report in the Console tab of your browser's Developer tools and provide us with the screenshot off the tab if errors exist. It would be also great if you provide us with a runnable sample project where the issue occurs so we can research it on our side.
The thing is, that we have the problem using a xaf asp.net site.
attached is the result after appliying the solution proposed
Please remove the following code from the Default.aspx page:
<dx:ASPxDocumentViewer ID="ASPxDocumentViewer1" runat="server" Height="763px" ToolbarMode="Ribbon" Width="100%" ReportTypeName="XtraReport1"> <ClientSideEvents Init="init" /> </dx:ASPxDocumentViewer>
You do not need to add the ASPxDocumentViewer control, because XAF creates it for you. To access the ASPxDocumentViewer instance created by XAF and add the event handler to it, use the following solution: How to: Access the ASPxDocumentViewer and ASPxWebDocumentViewer Controls.
Note, XAF handles client-side events, too. If you add your client-side event handler, you can accidentally overwrite an XAF handler. To avoid this issue, use the ClientSideEventsHelper.AssignClientHandleSafe method to add a new event handler to a client-side event.
I had the same problem, thanks to this ticket i have solved with Yaroslav's suggestion (Using the HTML5 ReportViewerType). I just have a doubt.
According with Uriah's last comment, there is no need to handle the client-side events, i mean, nothing to do at Default.aspx. I have tried both way , they works indistincly.
Hello Pedro,
Our ASP.NET controls allow you to handle client-side events in code. This approach is useful in XAF applications, which create ASP.NET controls dynamically. Refer to the following ticket for the additional information: Handle Client-Side Events of DevExpress ASP.NET controls in XAF.
I have the same problem with the ReportViewer control in an ASP.NET application. I've tried the PageLoad="init" and accompanying "init" event handler, but this causes the page to show "Loading" when the page loads, which never goes away. Even if I comment out the entirety of the init function, I get the same "loading" behavior, and if I remove the PageLoad definitioin, then the "loading" goes away and my report shows up as it should. Is there any reason why the "Loading" just hangs and the report never shows up?
Figured it out - the init handler just needed to be moved above the reportviewer definition on the page.
Hi JWoodie,
If you found a solution for this issue, feel free to post it as an answer to this thread. Our community will appreciate this.