Ticket T725330
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Web - Suggestions for User-Friendly URLs for Views

created 6 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM S132933: How to provide short and user-friendly URLs for XAF Web Views]
Could you make it configurable for each view by Model (and maybe an attribute)?

Also for default views, could you remove the _ListView and _DetailView suffix?

Following the before, can you provide a convention for variant views, let's say for Contact_ListView_Varied to have the URL Contact/Varied

Does it accept the value of the FriendlyKey for the ObjectKey?

Show previous comments (3)

    Hi Anatol,
    Thank you for your answer.
    I have already commented on original ticket but since Gosha moved Santigaos answer to thie seperate ticket i also moved my comments under this ticket.
    I also aware friendly-url-sampleand you already provide the capability to supply our own format of user-friendly URLs .

    But we just want you to change your default format for the most demanding one. So i think nobody will need to customize it just for default views naming convention.
    I think it is more simple while it is in CTP mode thank after it is released.

    Thanks in advance.

    SM SM
    Santiago Moscoso 6 years ago

      I agree with Akin. To preserve the convention over configuration paradigm, the default format could be a little more friendly, without anyone having to customize it.

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 6 years ago


        At this stage, this new API is primarily to help you make your own URL conventions easier - it was a difficult task previously.

        We have not planned to enforce any default URL conventions in v19.1 or until we receive more  user feedback in this regard. If it is still important for you, please share your own implementations using this API and results for important scenarios in your apps (ListView, DetailView, DashboardView, View Variants, reports, dashboards, custom Views without suffixes, class names already in plural form or without it, class names in different languages for which 's' or 'es' would not make any sense, etc) once you get your hands on it. Feedback from folks like you proven and filtered by time and production use will help us come us with the most suitable generic implementation to the box much faster.

        If we do not receive such feedback - no problem, our team will focus on more important and clearer things.

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