Hi Support,
We are trying to upload pdf file greater than 5 MB in size but it's not happening. We are getting exception "Maximum request length exceeded" (server side).
We have followed following link to achieve.
https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/FileUploader/Validation/jQuery/Light/And below is our code:
multiple: true,
accept: "*",
invalidMaxFileSizeMessage: "File size is too large",
uploadFailedMessage: "Upload failed",
maxFileSize: 100000000, // this is not working, how can we set max file size as it is not taking more than 5 MB
uploadMode: "useButtons",
value: [],
uploadUrl: "/pdrive/home/uploadfiles?ENTITYID=" + entityID + "&SYSTEMMENUID=" + sysmenuID,
onValueChanged: function (e) {
var files = e.value;
count = files.length-1;
$.each(files, function (i, file) {
filename = file.name;
filetype = file.type;
onUploaded: function (e) {}
So please let us know how can we increase file size to be uploaded?
Attaching a file more than 5 MB in size so that you could check.