Ticket T725254
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DevExtreme- dxFileUploader not uploading file greater than 5 MB

created 6 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

Hi Support,

We are trying to upload pdf file greater than 5 MB in size but it's not happening. We are getting exception "Maximum request length exceeded" (server side).
We have followed following link to achieve.
https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/FileUploader/Validation/jQuery/Light/And below is our code:

.dxFileUploader({ multiple: true, accept: "*", invalidMaxFileSizeMessage: "File size is too large", uploadFailedMessage: "Upload failed", maxFileSize: 100000000, // this is not working, how can we set max file size as it is not taking more than 5 MB uploadMode: "useButtons", value: [], uploadUrl: "/pdrive/home/uploadfiles?ENTITYID=" + entityID + "&SYSTEMMENUID=" + sysmenuID, onValueChanged: function (e) { debugger var files = e.value; count = files.length-1; $.each(files, function (i, file) { debugger filename = file.name; filetype = file.type; }); }, onUploaded: function (e) {} });

So please let us know how can we increase file size to be uploaded?
Attaching a file more than 5 MB in size so that you could check.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 6 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

Hi Balaji,

This issue is mostly related to your server configuration rather than to client-side FileUploader settings. It looks like your server rejects requests that exceed a specific limit, whereas the widget tries to send the entire file in a single request. I suggest you refer to a relevant technical forum to tune your server so that it accepts larger requests. For example, review Maximum request length exceeded.

Alternatively, to overcome the server limit, implement the capability to send files in chunks as demonstrated in the Chunk Uploading demo.

    Comments (1)

      Thanks we have fixed the issue.

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