[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM S36497: XAF ASP.NET Web Forms application deployment and load testing considerations]
Any development yet?
Since we are dependant on InProc sessions which rely on App Pool NOT Recycling , how can we certify our users won't get diconnected from our web application built with Xaf?
SessionState seems to be THE solution in our case, but since DX can't be serialized, what are we supposed to do?
3 years since last comment, none initiated by DevExpress Team, is this Support Ticket real?
InProc sessions in Web UI
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
This is inherent specificity of our ASP.NET WebForms UI that has been there from the very beginning. Its main benefit is that it simplifies writing code for XAF users, because they easily cache any persistent objects, Views, Controllers between requests (restoring the app state enforces special code rules and brings complexity). This, however, may bite XAF users who want to use XAF Web apps with a lot of concurrent clients and thus require scaling these apps. The XAF Web UI was never meant for large user load and public use (its niche is small corporate web portals or administrative apps like CMS). These usage limitations have been documented on our web site from the very beginning, too.
Due to its architecture, the existing ASP.NET WebForms UI cannot be easily changed to support SessionState options other than InProc. We will not make any development in this regard from the business point of view either, because in more than a decade after the XAF ASP.NET Web UI birth, there are better architectures and technologies available. For instance, in our stateless Mobile UI, which may supersede the Web UI one day, we do not have this problem due to a totally different architecture.