[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A2735: How to reorder detail tabs in the master-detail view]
Hello support team,
Is there a way to do the tab ordering programatically? I don't use the designer to set up my views.
Thank you.
[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A2735: How to reorder detail tabs in the master-detail view]
Hello support team,
Is there a way to do the tab ordering programatically? I don't use the designer to set up my views.
Thank you.
You can generate detail level nodes in code to populate the GridControl.LevelTree collection in the required order.
gridControl1.ShowOnlyPredefinedDetails = true;
gridControl1.LevelTree.Nodes.Add("Orders", new GridView(gridControl1));
gridControl1.LevelTree.Nodes.Add("Products", new GridView(gridControl1))
Let me know if this approach is helpful.
You can simply change the level index :
YourGrid.YourLevel.index = x;
Hi Riadix,
Your code snippet is not compilable. If you wish to share your solution with the community, please attach a compilable test sample illustrating necessary actions.
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