[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T570966: How to migrate to the new Middle-Tier implementation after upgrading to XAF v17.2+]
I'm trying to move my application to the new WcfXafServiceHost, however I noticed there seems to be no apparent replacement for the EventHandler<DataServiceOperationEventArgs> comittingDelegate that was available in the SecuredDataServer constructor.
This was my previous call:
C#var securedDataServer = new SecuredDataServer(dataLayer, securityProviderHandler, DevExpress.ExpressApp.MiddleTier.Logger.Instance, myCommittingDelegate, false);
This is the constructors signature:
C#public SecuredDataServer(IDataLayer dataLayer, QueryRequestSecurityStrategyHandler querySecurityEnvironmentHandler, ILogger logger, EventHandler<DataServiceOperationEventArgs> committingDelegate, bool allowICommandChannelDoWithSecurityContext) {...}
Is there any way to include the myCommittingDelegate with the new WcfXafServiceHost?