Ticket T594017
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How to use the custom CommittingDelegate with the new WcfXafServiceHost

created 7 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T570966: How to migrate to the new Middle-Tier implementation after upgrading to XAF v17.2+]

I'm trying to move my application to the new WcfXafServiceHost, however I noticed there seems to be no apparent replacement for the EventHandler<DataServiceOperationEventArgs> comittingDelegate that was available in the SecuredDataServer constructor.

This was my previous call:

var securedDataServer = new SecuredDataServer(dataLayer, securityProviderHandler, DevExpress.ExpressApp.MiddleTier.Logger.Instance, myCommittingDelegate, false);

This is the constructors signature:

public SecuredDataServer(IDataLayer dataLayer, QueryRequestSecurityStrategyHandler querySecurityEnvironmentHandler, ILogger logger, EventHandler<DataServiceOperationEventArgs> committingDelegate, bool allowICommandChannelDoWithSecurityContext) {...}

Is there any way to include the myCommittingDelegate with the new WcfXafServiceHost?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago

Hello Christoph,

You are right. The new WcfXafServiceHost has no constructor with the CommittingDelegate parameter. Now you can add a custom Committing delegate in the following way:

  1. Create a descendant of the WcfSecuredServer class and override the GetSerializableObjectLayer method
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.ClientServer; using DevExpress.Xpo; using System.ServiceModel; ... public class CustomWcfSecuredServer : WcfSecuredServer { public CustomWcfSecuredServer(IDataLayer dataLayer, IDataServerSecurity serverSecurity, bool allowICommandChannelDoWithSecurityContext, InstanceContextMode contextMode) : base(dataLayer, serverSecurity, allowICommandChannelDoWithSecurityContext, contextMode) { } private void CommittingDelegate(object sender, DataServiceOperationEventArgs args) { // write your code here } protected override IMiddleTierSerializableObjectLayer GetSerializableObjectLayer() { IMiddleTierSerializableObjectLayer objectLayer = base.GetSerializableObjectLayer(); if (objectLayer is MiddleTierSerializableObjectLayer) { ((MiddleTierSerializableObjectLayer)objectLayer).Committing += CommittingDelegate; } return objectLayer; } }
  1. Create a descendant of the WcfXafServiceHost class and override the GetInstanceCore method
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.ClientServer; using System; using DevExpress.Xpo; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; ... public class CustomWcfServiceHost : WcfXafServiceHost { public CustomWcfServiceHost(string connectionString, Func<IDataServerSecurity> dataServerSecurity) : base(connectionString, dataServerSecurity) { } protected override object GetInstanceCore(InstanceContext instanceContext, Message message, IDataLayer dataLayer, IDataServerSecurity serverSecurity, bool allowICommandChannelDoWithSecurityContext, InstanceContextMode contextMode) { return new CustomWcfSecuredServer(dataLayer, serverSecurity, allowICommandChannelDoWithSecurityContext, contextMode); } }
  1. Replace the WcfXafServiceHost constructor call with a CustomWcfServiceHost constructor call in the Program.cs file of your server application
WcfXafServiceHost serviceHost = new CustomWcfServiceHost(connectionString, dataServerSecurityProvider);

Let me know in case of any further difficulties.

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