Ticket T578576
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How to bind dashboards, reports, and analysis objects to external SQL Database Connections

created 7 years ago

Hello DevExpress Support,

we want to implement a XAF XPO solution for creating and viewing dashboards, reports and analysis views in win and web from external sql databases, not from existing business objects as sources. All available/usable sql database source paramaters should be stored in its own xpo.

When creating a new dashboard, report or analysis the user should select a sql connection from a list of available sql database connections.
When viewing dashboards, reports or analysis results in web or win, the In-XAF-viewers have to configure the sql database connection at runtime before they display the results. So it should be possible when changing a sql database source connection in xpo, all depentent dashboards, reports etc. don't need to be seperatly reconfigured, because they request their connections from xpo "SQLDataSource" for example.

What I just investigated:
- DashboardDesigner/Connection Wizard in Win supports Sql Connections via IConnectionStorageService, DashboardViewer in Win requests but Web doesn't request the ConfigureDataConnection event.
- ReportsDataV2 seems not to support SqlDataConnections because the Wizard shows only those business classes that have the DefaultClassOptionsAttribute, I think ReportsV2 should be linked to XtraReports in module.cs, the ReportsDesigner/Wizard is configurable like DashboardDesigner/Connection Wizard, so the common list of available SQL Connections can be replaced by own connections. The ASPxDocumentViewer and ASPxWebDocumentViewer seem not to fire the ConfigureDataConnection events, like Dashboards do.
- Analysis seems only to use business classes by default, so there is no possibility for changing to sql database connections.

Could you please tell me, if this set of requirements is implementable with XAF ?

Thanks a lot,

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

    Hello, Maik.

    We need additional time to research your requirements. Please bear with us. We will respond once we have any results.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

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