Ticket T560849
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Allow/Deny and Role hierarchy

When will parent/child roles be supported by the PermissionPolicyRole

created 7 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T559861: Security permissions processing mechanism optimization and important changes in XAF v17.2]
Looks promising - will parent/child roles then be supported by the permissionpolicyrole?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago


We intentionally removed the role hierarchy as with the new Allow/Deny permission policy such a hierarchy doesn't provide a lot of benefits. Currently (with PermissionPolicyRole), you can set the policy to AllowAllByDefault and deny access to specific objects. We have a solution that shows how to get the role hierarchy with PermissionPolicyRole: T545366: Allow/Deny and Role hierarchy, but as mentioned in this thread we didn't check this solution in all scenarios and you need to thoroughly test it before using.
For now we don't have plans to return the role hierarchy back, but we would also highly appreciate it if you share with us the case where the new "Allow/Deny" policy is not flexible enough.


    Other Answers

    created 7 years ago

    @Martin; i just saw your question and wanted to point out to T545366. This solution is currently being incorporated by us.

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