[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T381322: Security - How to reduce the number of permission requests and improve overall performance]
When i create the public static System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding CreateDefaultBinding() { NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding();
How can i use this binding when using the code below ?
public class CustomObjectSpaceProvider : SecuredObjectSpaceProvider
protected override IDataLayer CreateDataLayer(IDataStore workingDataStore)
var node = workingDataStore as DataCacheNode;
if (node == null) return new ThreadSafeDataLayer(XPDictionary, workingDataStore);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TotalMemoryPurgeThreshold"]))
node.TotalMemoryPurgeThreshold = Convert.ToInt64(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TotalMemoryPurgeThreshold"]);
return new ThreadSafeDataLayer(XPDictionary, node);