[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A2735: How to reorder detail tabs in the master-detail view]
My refresh tab script is not functioning anymore after i set ShowOnlyPredefinedDetails to true.
My tabs are still mixed up =(
Visual BasicFor index = 0 To Form.grdViewMain.DataRowCount
If Form.grdViewMain.GetMasterRowExpanded(index) Then
Dim openDetailView = Form.grdViewMain.GetVisibleDetailView(index)
If Not openDetailView Is Nothing Then
Dim tabControl As ViewTab = DirectCast(GetType(BaseView).GetProperty("TabControl", Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance OrElse Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(openDetailView), ViewTab)
End If
End If
Hello Christophe,
Would you please clarify what the issue you faced is? I created one detail in the grid's level designer, enabled the ShowOnlyPredefinedDetails option and ran your code when clicking a separate button but new tabs didn't appear and the grid kept working as before. I've attached a simple project demonstrating this.
If possible, modify my sample so that it replicates your scenario and the issue.
I look forward to your reply.