Hi dear support,
I followed the article:
How to: Implement an ASP.NET Web List Editor Using a Custom Control
…to implement a ListEditor displaying objects as cards.
The corresponding solution is attached in the zip file.
I have three problems:
How to design this ListEditor and a corresponding ObjectViewController so that an action is automatically executed when a user clicks a card?
For example an ObjectViewController WindowPopupShowAction? -
In the listView toolbar, the "Edit" and "Delete" actions are always disabled.
I would like the "Edit" and "Delete" actions to be enabled when a card is selected. -
In the attached solution, WebCardListViewEditor.cs, when the user clicks on a card, the Control_SelectionChanged event calls OnProcessSelectedItem(), which produces a NullReferenceException in DevExpress.Data.DataController.SaveRowState(Stream stream).
If I comment the line "OnProcessSelectedItem()", the error doesn't happen.
Is this a good solution?
Thanks for your help,
Hello Marc,
Thanks for your report. We need some additional time to research your sample. Please bear with us.
It seems that it is required to implement the internal and undocumented ICustomRenderUpdatePanel and ISupportCallbackStartupScriptRegistering interfaces by your ListEditor to be able to update a page content on the ASPxCardView's callbacks.
The error occurred:
Type: NullReferenceException
Message: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
Data: 0 entries
Stack trace:
à DevExpress.Data.DataController.SaveRowState(Stream stream)
à DevExpress.Web.Data.WebDataControllerProvider.SaveRowState(Stream stream)
à DevExpress.Web.Data.WebDataProxy.SaveRowState(TypedBinaryWriter writer)
à DevExpress.Web.Data.WebDataProxy.SaveDataState(TypedBinaryWriter writer)
à DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridBase.SaveGridControlStateCore(TypedBinaryWriter writer)
à DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridBase.SaveGridControlState()
à DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridBase.SyncCallbackState()
à DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridBase.GetCallbackStateValueForRender()
à DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridBase.GetClientObjectState()
à DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridBase.GetCallbackResult()
à DevExpress.Web.ASPxWebControl.System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler.GetCallbackResult()
InnerException is null