Ticket T519803
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Questions about tree list

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM S30514: Tree List Editors - How to edit data directly in the tree view (inplace / inline modifications)]

How to make tree list in the spreadsheet ? could you guide me how to do?

I need make a tree list same with your photo!


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Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 8 years ago

    Hello Vuong,

    Are you using our TreeList Editors Module? In this photo, our WinForms TreeList control is NOT shown inside the Excel spreadsheet. It is a regular tree list with editing and color highlighting enabled.
    Would you please clarify your requirements regarding the 'spreadsheet' part, because it is not quite clear how and where this is supposed to be used by your clients?

    As for enabling data editing, I suggest you check out the instructions given in the original thread.
    As for the color highlighting, check out Conditional Appearance Module Overview or How to enable the Conditional Formatting feature of the WinForms GridControl, TreeList and PivotGridControl in the XAF ListView and preserve formatting settings between runs

    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 8 years ago

      [DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T519755: XAF create tree list in Listview]
      Hi Admin,

      I need to make a list view in the form of a tree.  same with the attachment but not limit child nodes.

      Your link that you sent me in the past was not clearly so it was difficult to follow up doing.

      Could you send me the others document that make it easy!


      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 8 years ago

        We do not have other documentation on accomplishing this task in XAF and it is unclear exactly what difficulties you experienced with these topics.
        Please attach the test project you tried to create using our TreeList Editors Module and clarify exactly which help topic instructions you could not follow (attach screenshots, if required). With that, we will be in a better position to implement what you want in the fastest manner possible.

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