I am experiencing an issue trying to remove all the grid lines from my bar chart. It's a simple 2D bar chart and I've tried the following code to remove the vertical line that appears in each grouping which you can see in the attached image.
C#( (BarSeriesView)ChartControl.SeriesTemplate.View ).AxisX.GridLines.Visible = false;
I've also tried this:
C#XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)ChartControl.Diagram;
diagram.AxisX.GridLines.Visible = false;
diagram.AxisX.GridLines.MinorVisible = false;
diagram.AxisX.Tickmarks.Visible = false;
diagram.AxisX.Tickmarks.MinorVisible = false;
diagram.AxisX.Interlaced = false;
I was able to remove all the Y-Axis grid lines just fine using the same code above, but of course changing AxisX to AxisY.
Looking forward to your response,