Ticket T501200
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GridView - Сustom databinding questions

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM Q449543: GridView - Сustom databinding issues]
Hi Group DevExpress.

I'm tring this solution but don't run correctly, muy version is 15.1

i have that code on my solucion, the only diference is that i'm getting date from my DB with store procedure this sp return only tow columns and that is my binding.

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

    Hello Pablo,

    Would you please clarify which task you wish to accomplish by using solutions from the Q449543 thread? It is dedicated to several questions and they are rather specific. It will be helpful if you describe your requirements in greater detail. In addition to that, you may send us a sample project illustrating your current progress on this task. It will help us provide you with the most efficient solution.

    P P
    Pablo Andrés Restrepo Urango 8 years ago

      Hi Helen.

      i would like to do  the padding administration on grid, but, my dataset is a Store procedure, when y i going for all data, but when i look what is the page Index always is 0 (zero), but if i force the value to 1, it work but, i go to page number 2 index, the proyect break on javascript on method the gridview.

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        Hello Pablo,

        Your scenario is unclear to me. I suggest you review the following threads that may be helpful:
        Grid View - Data Binding Custom Data Binding (Simple)
        Grid View - Data Binding Custom Data Binding (Advanced)
        GridView - How to bind it with a Stored Procedure in Server Mode

        If this information does not help, send me a runnable sample demonstrating the issue in action and clarify what operations I should perform to reproduce it on my side.

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