[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T496322: Gauge Item - How to configure default scale and add custom ranges.]
great! Works fine…
Now, and about styles?
I can use "stylechooser", save… and use the selected style in gauges?
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Gauge Dashboard Item - Add more gauges types and designs[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T496322: Gauge Item - How to configure default scale and add custom ranges.]
great! Works fine…
Now, and about styles?
I can use "stylechooser", save… and use the selected style in gauges?
I am afraid I do not see a way to implement this functionality in the WinForms dashboard viewer control. I apologize for not being helpful this time.
but this way… for scales Works this way…
- I imagine style too…
private void dashboardViewer1_DashboardItemControlCreated(object sender, DevExpress.DashboardWin.DashboardItemControlEventArgs e) {
if (e.GaugeControl != null) {
private void dashboardViewer1_DashboardItemControlUpdated(object sender, DevExpress.DashboardWin.DashboardItemControlEventArgs e) {
if (e.GaugeControl != null) {
private static void UpdateGauge(GaugeControl gaugeControl) {
foreach (CircularGauge gauge in gaugeControl.Gauges) {
gauge.Scales[0].MaxValue = 100;
gauge.Scales[0].MajorTickCount = 6;
gauge.Scales[0].MajorTickmark.FormatString = "{0}";
gauge.Scales[0].Ranges.Add( CreateNewRange( 0, 20, Color.Red ) );
gauge.Scales[0].Ranges.Add(CreateNewRange(20, 60, Color.Yellow));
private static IRange CreateNewRange(int startValue, int endValue, Color color) {
IRange result = new ArcScaleRange();
result.AppearanceRange.ContentBrush = new SolidBrushObject(color);
result.StartValue = startValue;
result.EndValue = endValue;
result.StartThickness = 10f;
result.EndThickness = 10f;
return result;
end sub
In the T496322 example, we update scales settings directly. However, it will be necessary to use the StyleChooser control to change the style. I am afraid the StyleChooser control is not configured to be used with the DashboardGaugeControl displaying multiple gauges.
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