Ticket T485466
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How to load an item in a DetailView instead of inline editing

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM Q361023: web grid inline editing]
Hi Anatol,

How can i load the same item in detaile view as in the web grid inline editing ticket, instead of editing inline?

Comments (3)
Anatol (DevExpress) 8 years ago

    The task described in the web grid inline editing ticket is specific for list views, and I do not understand how it is related to detail views.
    Please describe the functionality that you want to implement in greater detail.

      Hi Anatol,

      My scenario, i've used master-child grid.
      *master list item may contain the child list view, if it has the child list view. On-click of edit button of child list view item, it is getting edited in current row itself. Instead i want to load the same in detail view.

      How can i do it ?

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        Hi Mithun,

        Displaying a master-child grid is not a native feature of XAF. I assume that you have custom code that implements it. Would you please attach a sample project demonstrating your current approach? If it is not possible for some reason, describe which approach you are using to implement the master-child grid. This information will help us to provide you with the most appropriate solution.

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