Ticket T474345
Visible to All Users

Issues with ImmediatePostData and ASPxGridListEditor

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T195583: ASPxGridListEditor - Simplify the use of ImmediatePostData in editable List Views]

I am using 16.1.6 in one of my applications and facing the same issues, if the controller above is not longer required, how can i have it working as in the old versions. Unfortunately, i can't see the above tickets suggestions (T371582, T406875), although i am logged its says "You can't view this ticket" seems to me they are no public access. May be, the answer is in there.

Please help.

Comments (3)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 8 years ago

    Hello Pedro,

    >>I am using 16.1.6 in one of my applications and facing the same issues,
    Thanks for your report. The other tickets you mentioned are indeed private and they do not contain information that can help here.

    To be able to assist you in the most effective and fastest manner ever possible, please provide us with the following information:

    1. A debuggable sample project along with a test database we can run locally to see these issues;
    2. Detailed repro instructions to see each issue in your project (preferably, with step-by-step commands or screenshots/videos).
      I am asking for this, because each customer case and project settings are different, so specific samples are always required.
      So far, we could not replicate the issues in scenarios mentioned by other users of that ticket with our demos replicating similar conditions (e.g., our MainDemo.Web app and ListView of its Payment or DemoTask objects).
    YV YV
    YouSoft Vietnam 6 years ago

      I have the same problem on version 18.1

      Anatol (DevExpress) 6 years ago

        Hello Jason,

        Please provide additional information as per Dennis' instructions. This will help us determine the cause of the issue. Your cooperation would be highly appreciated.

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