Ticket T472969
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Using different major version of Devexpress assemblies in same Application

created 8 years ago

Hi Support,

I have been reading all the support ticket about using assemblies referencing different major Devexpress version in same application.

For me this should not be a problem since the files names are different but you support forum seems to point in other direction.

Could you please give me a clear statement if this is possible or not at runtime.

I am not talking about having different version of Devexpress in same VS project.

I need to use 14.1.6 and 16.1.6 in same Application/process is this possible yes or no?

Thanks beforehand

PS. I refer to WInform and WPF controls.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago

Hello Dan,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

If you have one solution containing two different projects and each of them uses a different version of DevExpress components, I do not see any difficulties with this scenario. Make sure, however, that the Project Converter tool processes only one of your project during upgrading. In addition, it is not clear to me what you mean by "using 14.1 and 16.1 within the same application".  Please describe your scenario in greater detail.

As for using different versions of our components within the same project, while technically it is possible to reference two assemblies of different major versions in the same project, there is a high chance that used components and classes will conflict with each other since namespaces where they are placed have the same name. Although .NET Framework and Visual Studio allow resolving these conflicts by using a special keyword, maintaining two different versions within the same project is a difficult task and we do not recommend using this technique.

    Comments (2)

      Hi Alisher,

      Please read my question carefully. I am not talking about Design time I am talking about runtime. So please forget about Solution and project and focus about Application and Application domain.
      I am talking about one single application loading one assembly using devexpress 14.1.6 and the same application loading another assembly using 16.2. Is this possible yes or no?
      I really need a clear statement from Devexpress if this is possible or not. Several places your support team writes it is not possible and other places that it is possible.
      There is a lot of confusion on this topic.
      Please keep in mind my question is related to using to different major version of Devexpress.

      Alisher (DevExpress Support) 8 years ago

        Hi Dan,

        Thank you for clarifying your scenario. I am afraid there is no way to use a different version of our components within the same application or application domain.

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