Ticket T452322
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Problem with XtraGrid within a PowerPoint VSTO Add-in

created 8 years ago


I´m working on an Add-in for MS Power Point 2013 so that my add-in will consist of a CustomTaskPane (Office API) that is a XtraUserControl. Inside, a XtraGrid will present a list of objects. I´m a bit amazed when I realized about your XtraGrid is not showing the rows within the pane. The load of the objects is done by means the normal mechanism, by setting the Datasource property.

Have you ever realised about that? Is it an already known limitation? Is possible to make it work?

I´ve just attached a solution with two projects, one is the VSTO Add-in and one is a normal WinForms one. The XtraGrid is shown is the regular one and not in the Add-in.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Hello Eduardo,
I reviewed the attached sample and found the cause of the issue. It occurs since the Grid's BindingContext is null. The issue is not reproducible on a form, only when the Grid is used in CustomTaskPane. The standard DataGridView behaves in the same manner, so I believe that this issue is related to using controls in CustomTaskPane. Please see the attached video that illustrates this.

As a workaround, set the BindingContext property in code:

gridControl1.BindingContext = this.BindingContext;

Attached is the modified sample.

    Comments (1)
    ED ED
    Eduardo Domínguez 8 years ago

      Hi Sasha,

      The workaround you provided me is what i needed.

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