Ticket T450499
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Export MVC Report to PDF format is not good in picture and Words/Numbers in Charts

created 8 years ago

Dear Support,

in MVC Report,  there are chart , wording and Numbering in chart. the quality of Word and number is not GOOD  in exporting to PDF format even the compression has bee set to false:
 PdfExportOptions pdfOptions = _report.ExportOptions.Pdf;
pdfOptions.Compressed = false;
pdfOptions.ImageQuality = PdfJpegImageQuality.Highest;

Is it any suggestion to solve the quality of chart and wording and numbering in Chart ?

Please refer to attachment regarding the detail.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Hi Hendy,

Please try to disable the pdfOptions.ConvertImagesToJpeg option when exporting your report to PDF to improve the exported XRChart quality. Please also make sure that your chart's ImageType property is set to "Metafile".
We look forward to hearing of your results.

    Comments (2)
    CR CR
    Cecep Rosuludin 8 years ago

      Thanks Vasily,
                Using the above solution. It works.

      Vasily (DevExpress Support) 8 years ago

        You are always welcome, Hendy! I am happy to hear that my support was helpful.

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