[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM Q450528: How can I resize a single row in DevExpress XtraGrid (Winforms)?]
Using the CalcRowHeight event works, but only after the grid is being resized.
How can I force this event to fire ?
What I want to do is when the user doubleclicks on a row this row should get a larger rowheight than other rows, so I set a private variable to the rowhandle in the doubleclick and in the CalcRowHeight event I check for this private variable.
This works but only when the grid resizes.
So I need to fire this event from the DoubleClick event, how can I do that ?
I tried GridView1.Invalidate() but that does nothing
XtraGridControl - How to change the row's height by the mouse double click
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
To fire the GridView.CalcRowHeight event manually, you are required to call the GridView.LayoutChanged method. I have created a small sample to demonstrate this behavior. Please try this approach and let us know your results.
I look forward to your reply.