I have an AspxCallBackPanel with two AspxComboBoxEdit and One AspxGridView.I am Populating Data in Second "AspxComboBoxEdit" based on first "AspxComboBoxEdit Value" and then I am again Populating Data in "AspxGridView" based on First AspxComboBoxEdit and Second AspxComboBoxEdit Value.It works fine but after Loading data in AspxGridview,the data in Second AspxComboBoxEdit has lost.Please check attached screencast and advise how to solve the problem…
ASPxComboBox - Data disappears on the second callback to ASPxCallbackPanel
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hello Junaid,
Thank you for your code snippets. I found that the TxtChequeNo combobox is not rebound after the second callback is sent. If you need to see items in the combobox, it is required to rebind the combobox on any callback request to the callback panel. So, I suggest you bind it when you bind the grid. I hope this information will be helpful.
Please check my project also…
Pls help I need to finish my task…
Please help…