Ticket T416953
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How to bind data source on a callback

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)


I have issue with binding data source to pivot grid through callback control after loading grid header, I need a event which triggers after the grid header initialization .

I tried with many events like


We need to load grid header first, later need to load grid data through call back.

Please help me out.

Raghu G

Comments (1)
Artem (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago


    It's difficult to say why your solution doesn't work without reviewing how it's implemented. Initially, the scenario looks similar to the one demonstrated at How to create ASPxGridView after the page has been loaded. If this example doesn't help, please elaborate on your scenario and send us the following information:
    - A screencast illustrating the issue in action (for example, you can use the Jing Tool to capture it).
     - ASPx markup of your control/page, which will allow us to reproduce the issue from scratch or a simple runnable project.

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