Ticket T394770
Visible to All Users


created 9 years ago

Hi There,

Now a days, hardware of computer using multi core.
How to code to use those cores to speed up application?

Thank you.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)


We appreciate your confidence in DevExpress support. However, this question is not directly related to DevExpress controls and we cannot answer it.
However, you can learn more about your question from public community resources like MSDN and StackOverFlow: http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=.net+multi+core
Should you have specific questions about our products or experience any difficulties integrating standard .NET solutions for a specific business task in an XAF app, please describe your current technique and difficulties in greater detail, so we can assist you with the XAF integration part. Thanks.

    Show previous comments (1)
    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

      Our products use the corresponding multi-threading APIs of .NET Framework where required. A good example would be filtering, sorting, grouping implementations of our grids (learn more…). As long as your application is multi-threaded, the operating system itself will determine which core to run which thread on. I suggest you learn more on this from the StackOverFlow link I gave earlier.
      Should you have specific problems or reasons behind your main question, please let me know so we can assist you better.

        The performance enhancements we've introduced throughout 2014 apply to the following Grid controls:
        ASP.NET: ASPxGridView
        WinForms: XtraGrid
        WPF: DXGrid
        Does this means effect to XAF Application ?

        Thank you.

        Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

          Yes, this particular improvement is automatically applied to XAF, because our framework uses these grid controls. I also want to emphasize that this blog shows just one of many examples.

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