Ticket T373398
Visible to All Users

New Web.UI - how to hide Save and SaveAndNew actions, but keep SaveAndClose

created 9 years ago


My customer had request to hide both Save and SaveAndNew and keep only SaveAndClose action (it fits better with their workflow).
That worked fine in old web ui (both actions were disabled in controller), but in new SaveAndClose is inside Save action and when Save is hidden, so is SaveAndClose.

Is there a way to keep SaveAndClose and hide Save and SaveAndNew in new Web UI?


Comments (1)

    Same request or add a return option without save?

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 9 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

    Hello Mario,

    This behavior occurs because of a combination of the WebActionContainer.IsDropDown = true, WebActionContainer.DefaultActionID = "Save" and WebActionContainer.AutoChangeDefaultAction = true settings. You can change them according to your needs in a controller or in the custom template content. For example, you can set the WebActionContainer.IsDropDown property to false to show the container's active actions individually:

    public class ToolbarCustomizationController : WindowController { public ToolbarCustomizationController() { TargetWindowType = WindowType.Main; } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); Frame.ProcessActionContainer += Frame_ProcessActionContainer; } void Frame_ProcessActionContainer(object sender, ProcessActionContainerEventArgs e) { if (e.ActionContainer.ContainerId == "Save" && e.ActionContainer is WebActionContainer) { ((WebActionContainer)e.ActionContainer).IsDropDown = false; } } protected override void OnDeactivated() { base.OnDeactivated(); Frame.ProcessActionContainer -= Frame_ProcessActionContainer; } }

    Let me know if you need further assistance.

    This behavior has been changed in 16.1.7 - now if you deactivate the Save action, other actions from its dropdown will remain visible.

      Comments (3)
      MB MB
      Mario Blatarić 9 years ago


        This is it.
        Thank you for your assistance.

        Anatol (DevExpress) 9 years ago

          You are welcome!

          Anatol (DevExpress) 8 years ago

            FYI: this behavior has been changed in 16.1.7 - now if you deactivate the Save action, other actions from its dropdown will remain visible.

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