as stated in A2761 it's possible to change the default font of most controls in a XafApplication. However it will not change the font of the Menus (toolbar, contextmenu, …).
As for the toolbars, I tried the solution stated in B203481, updating the template whenever a frame is assigned. This will not change the font of the contextmenu. This seems possible via the DefaultMenuFont property.
However this property seems only to be evaluated on startup and even before a user has logged in. Currently I extended the model with an AppFontSize property, which can be set via the toolbar and is directly stored in the user differences.
Any advice how I can set the DefaultMenuFont so it's considered and a user has logged in? Or is there another possibility I can change the contextmenu font size to the user preferences?
Thanks in advance
Hello Daniel,
I am forwarding your question to our WinForms team for a follow-up, because this customization is not related to XAF itself. Should you experience any difficulties integrating a standard solution received from our WinForms team in an XAF app, please let us know.
For faster resolution on pure WinForms components questions in the future, do not hesitate to log them under the .NET | WinForms category directly. Thanks for your cooperation.
>>Any advice how I can set the DefaultMenuFont so it's considered and a user has logged in?
You can set user-specific options in the DevExpress.ExpressApp > XafApplication > LoggedOn or DevExpress.ExpressApp > XafApplication > UserDifferencesLoaded event handlers.
Hi Dennis,
thanks for the response!
As for the main views and the toolbar, setting the font size at UserDifferencesLoaded works nicely. However the context menus are still at their default font.
Maybe the WinForms team has a proper solution on that topic.
Hello Daniel,
I tested this behavior and see that the font of bars and context menus is not changed when the DefaultMenuFont property is set after the form is initialized.
We need additional time to research this behavior. We will update this thread as soon as we have any results.
Please watch for our updates.