Ticket T350155
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XtraGridControl version 15.2 - Cannot find the ShowGridMenu and PopupMenuShowing events

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A47: How to disable particular menu items in the default grid menus]
in the newest version ShowGridMenu and PopupMenuShowing event do not exist anymore ?
How to do this in the newest version ?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)


As described in the How to disable particular menu items in the default grid menus KB article:
>>please note that starting from the 10.2 version, the GridView's  *ShowGridMenu event is marked obsolete, so it needs to use the  *PopupMenuShowing event.

So, the PopupMenuShowing event exists in the newest version of our controls. It seems, you are looking for this event at the GridControl's level, however, it is defined at the GridView level. I have attached a video to illustrate this. If it is not your case, please provide us with a video to demonstrate your project's current state. We will do our best to find a suitable solution quickly.
You can record a video using the Jing tool.
I am looking forward to your reply.

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