Ticket T347381
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Programmatically adding Bitmap images to ImageList using Add method

created 9 years ago

I'm trying to dynamically fill an ImageList with png icons stored in a database. Afterwards, that ImageList will be linked to an ImageComboBox and the icons displayed.

I'm sure the save and load from the database is working just fine, because I checked the temporary file created by the code below. However the problem is on adding images to the ImageList. After that cycle that keeps creating and adding Bitmaps to the ImageList I check the Count field and it has 0 items!!

What am I missing? What doesn't the ImageList.Add() properly work? I tried with and without a bitmap mask and got the same problem.

... items.Clear; index := 0; while not Eof do begin // Table (blob) to File tmpIconFilename := FieldByName('IdIcon').AsString + '.png'; tmpIconFilepath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + tmpIconFilename; blobIcon := FieldByName('Icon32') as TBlobField; blobIcon.SaveToFile(tmpIconFilepath); // File to Stream streamIcon := TMemoryStream.Create; tmpFileIcon := TPngImage.Create; tmpFileIcon.LoadFromFile(tmpIconFilename); tmpFileIcon.SaveToStream(streamIcon); DeleteFile(tmpIconFilename); // Stream to Bitmap bitmapIcon := TBitmap.Create; bitmapIcon.LoadFromStream(streamIcon); // Bitmap to ImageList maskIcon := TBitmap.Create; maskIcon.Assign(bitmapIcon); maskIcon.Canvas.Brush.Color := clNone; //bkg color maskIcon.Monochrome := true; imagelistNotifPosIcon.Add(bitmapIcon, maskIcon); // Add (icon) item to (icon) combobox Item := Items.Add as TcxImageComboBoxItem; Item.Value := FieldByName('IdIcon').AsString; Item.Description := FieldByName('IdIcon').AsString; Item.ImageIndex := index; index := index + 1; Next; end; ShowInfoMsg('ImageList count: ' + IntToStr(imagelistNotifPosIcon.Count));

Help is much appreciated.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Attached is the modified source code that should work in 13.1.3.

    created 9 years ago

    Hello Rui,

    Attached is a small sample project demonstrating how to accomplish this task.

      Comments (1)

        Your code sample doesn't compile with my version of DevExpress (2013 1.3). I can only inspect the code and you're using a non-standard image class (TdxSmartImage) different than mines (TBitmap and TPngImage).

        I try other combinations of code and managed to correctly fill the ImageList using AddBitmap method:

        ... // Stream to Bitmap bitmapIcon := TBitmap.Create; bitmapIcon.LoadFromStream(streamIcon); // Bitmap to ImageList maskIcon := TBitmap.Create; maskIcon.Assign(bitmapIcon); maskIcon.Canvas.Brush.Color := clNone; //bkg color maskIcon.Monochrome := true; imagelistNotifPosIcon.AddBitmap(bitmapIcon, maskIcon, clNone, false, false);

        However, the icons on the combobox are completely black. How do I use the AddBitmap method together with the mask and background color, to correctly display a PNG with transparent background.

        The screenshot shows one PNG manually added versus the ones added by code.

        I had success filling

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