Ticket T334639
Visible to All Users

The Web application is frozen after applying a hotfix for version 15.2.4

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T324705: Setting the SettingsFilterControl.AllowHierarchicalColumns property to true reduces ASPxGridView performance when the latter is bound to a complex datasource]
this hotfix block all apllication!
I hope you can help me with this issues.

Comments (2)
Nastya (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

    Hello Rossano,
    The current information does not allow us to provide you with a precise answer. Would you please demonstrate the issue and describe the problem in greater detail? Some steps to reproduce it on our side, or code required for this will be very helpful. Your time and cooperation are appreciated.

    P P
    Pio Antonio Cartanese 9 years ago

      I click a menu item, then the listview is displayed and then the web application does not respond to any click.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

      Hello Rossano,

      You likely encountered the following issue: "baseCollection is undefined" JavaScript error occurs after a hotfix for 15.2.4 is installed. Please try updating your application using the Project Converter tool. If this does not help, provide your configuration file to us for research and add the necessary lines to it manually.

        Show previous comments (2)
        Anatol (DevExpress) 9 years ago

          I apologize for missing that this ticket is private. Please check my comment to the "baseCollection is undefined" JavaScript error occurs after a hotfix for 15.2.4 is installed ticket to learn how to resolve the issue.
          I have also found that the most recent version of the Project Converter does not change your configuration file's embedRequiredClientLibraries attribute as required. I have created a separate ticket to research this issue: The Project Converter does not set the embedRequiredClientLibraries attribute to true if it already exists. To solve the issue without the Project Converter, set the embedRequiredClientLibraries attribute to true manually:

          <settings rightToLeft="false" doctypeMode="Html5" embedRequiredClientLibraries="true" ieCompatibilityVersion="edge" />
          GM GM
          Gustavo Marzioni 9 years ago

            it is a private ticket, can you make it public?

            Anatol (DevExpress) 9 years ago

              I cannot make a ticket public without an approval from the ticket's owner. In any case, you can find the same information in the "baseCollection is undefined" JavaScript error occurs after a hotfix for 15.2.4 is installed ticket. Basically, all you need to do is to set the devExpress.settings.embedRequiredClientLibraries attribute to true in the configuration file.

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