Ticket T334319
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How to show Multiline Tooltip

created 9 years ago


I would like to use a multi-line tooltip in my .Net project. I have found one reference to this issue in your forums, but the solution is now so old that it will not compile. I can’t imagine that this is a big issue, but none-the-less ask whether it be possible please to show how to display a multi-line tooltip using C# or VB (with a preference for the latter). Such an example would be greatly appreciated.

A loyal and very happy customer,


created 9 years ago


To show a multiline text in a tooltip, it is sufficient to insert new line characters to this text.

simpleButton1.SuperTip = new SuperToolTip(); simpleButton1.SuperTip.Items.Add(new ToolTipItem() { Text = "Line1\r\nLine2\r\nLine3" }); //or simpleButton1.ToolTip = "Line1\r\nLine2\r\nLine3";

For VB.NET, use the Constants.vbNewLine field.

If you need to enable the word wrap feature, it is enabled by default. Is the tooltip text cut off on your side? Please provide us with screenshots to show the current and expected results.

    Show previous comments (4)
    DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago


      We are using System.ComponentModel.Design.MultilineStringEditor to edit tooltip text at design time when operating the BaseControl.ToolTip property. In this case, it is necessary to click a combo button to expand a popup window for typing multiline text.

      In turn, a default single-line UITypeEditor is used when using attached properties that appear for standard controls when placing ToolTipController onto a form. We are ready to support System.ComponentModel.Design.MultilineStringEditor for this case as well in version 19.2. However, you indicated version 15.2.4 in the current ticket. We do not publish updates for this version any longer. Would you please clarify if you can move to version 19.2?

        We are currently on 19.1. We could move to 19.2 but it will take a lot of testing to make sure you haven't made any changes that impact our implementations of your classes. Is 19.1 still supported by updates? Meaning is it possible to get this functionality without having to upgrade to 19.2 on our end? Thank you!

        DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago


          Yes, we release minor updates for version 19.1. Once we fix this shortcoming, we will include changes in the next minor update - 19.1.9.
          I have created a new report (ToolTipController - It is impossible to enter multiline text at design time for the attached ToolTip property) regarding this issue, so that you can track our progress.

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