[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T228863: What to do when the grid displays blank rows in Server Mode]
I am using Embarcadero Delphi environment. However, i have same problem in my huge data… Can you help about the solution? or for recovering the problem… I hope I can reach some of developers who can help me in that terrible situation…
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Would you please describe the issue you faced in more detail? Are you able to replicate it with our ServerMode demos?
Also, it is unclear what version of our VCL controls you use. Would you please clarify it?
Hi, VCL version is 13.1. After examining the situation, i thought that blank rows are the result of internal exception. There is an inconsistency exception in cache. While indexer function calling, the cache is getting new part (55 items) of datas with sql like that. (Exception message : The number of returned rows (55) does not equal the number of row keys in the query (54))
However, the cache key field number is different from the number of rows which are fetched. (55<>54) The fetched rows are less than the key fields number.
Because fetching sql query is prepared with wrong string ('WİN') against the field value (WÝN) in database table.
Example of fetching sql : In original text of fetching sql there was 35 Codes. But, i wrote that only the wrong statement in here.
("CODE" IN ((@P1))) ',N'@P1 nvarchar(35)',N'WİN'
Because of that character "İ", one of row can't be fetched by the cache. In database, code is stored with "Ý" character. (WÝN) In database, the type of this column ("CODE") is varchar(50). It is the primary key of table ("TABLE_TEST")
Database server collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
ps : This exception is occured in 2 situations.
1 - After scrolling
2 - Sending to excel
Hello Matt,
I'm afraid it is difficult to determine the cause of the issue based on your description. However, we have encountered such problems when key fields were incorrectly set. So, I ask you re-check the uniqueness of the Key field values.
Also, please send us the backup tables and clarify the version of the server you use. I hope this will help us replicate the issue on our side and determine the cause of the problem.