Ticket T329234
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The code snippet from the 'Confirm row deletion when using an embedded navigator' KB article works incorrectly

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A66: Confirm row deletion when using an embedded navigator]
I tried your sample and its working but the row its deleted even when i press No

Comments (3)
Sasha (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

    I tested both a VB and C# version of the example given in the  A66: Confirm row deletion when using an embedded navigator article and they worked correctly. Please review the attached video and samples.
    Would you please modify my sample or attach your own that demonstrates the issue? It will help us to determine the cause of the issue faster.
    I am looking forward to your response.

    KK KK
    kostas kousinovalis 1 9 years ago

      I'm giving a video of my work

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago


        In your video, I see that you are using another project, not the one posted by Sasha. Did you try his project? If not, please do this since this project operates as expected on my side. If this project operates fine on your side as well, it means that there are specifics in your project. Please provide us with this project or modify Sasha's project to illustrate the issue.

        I look forward to your response.

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