Ticket T327748
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DiagramControl - Improve the copy-paste functionality

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T320633: DiagramControl - Support export/print functionality]

Also copy to clipboard and past to MS Office documents is something what our end users expect as standard functionality.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

Since the diagram is currently serialized as XML, the copy-paste functionality works between the controls that can parse this XML (DiagramControl for WinForms and DiagramControl for WPF). We have plans for exporting the diagram to an image, and once this functionality is ready, it will likely be possible to copy-paste the diagram content to any application supporting images.

Copy-pasting from/to MS Visio is harder and cannot be done without full export and import support for the Visio file format. We are currently evaluating the feedback from our customers to analyze the demand for this feature.


    Comments (2)
    BA BA
    Bassam Abdelaal 9 years ago

      So the only way now to use the drawing we do with Diagram is to use a screen capture utility like Windows Snipping Tool to copy the diagram area into other apps like word/excel then print from there ?
      kindly strongly consider ability to Copy/Paste total diagram or part of it as built in function , also preview then print or send by mail or save as PDF or image is so important , also a way to show canvas properties (page size) so we can change it into larger canvas like A3 would be very useful , same as if I click on a drawing to see its properties , same should be on canvas

      Alexander Russkov (DevExpress) 9 years ago

        Hello Bassam,
        It appears that at the moment creating an image manually is the only solution. Thank you for your suggestions. I will pass them to our developers. As for a page size, I have created a separate ticket on your behalf:
        "How to make canvas in DiagramControl selectable so that its properties can be changed in PropertyGridControl"


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