I have a scenario where I create a custom Save button that appears below the HtmlEditor:
C#Html.DevExpress().Button(buttonsettings =>
buttonsettings.Text = "Save";
buttonsettings.ClientSideEvents.Click = "function(s, e) { HelpPopupControl.PerformCallback(); }";
This independent button currently looks awkward, so I would like to replace it with a toolbar item; unfortunately, the HtmlEditorToolbarItem does not have a ToolbarSaveButton type.
So I tried ToolbarCustomItem instead like this:
btn.Text = "Save";
This returns the following error: "The type ToolbarCustomItem cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in a generic type or method…"
How to use ToolbarCustomItem and handle ClientSideEvents.Click in this case?
Thank you.