Hi at DevE…
And first - thanks for the update to 15.2 :-)
But one of the new things is the diagram function and of course one of the things I started looking at.
I took some tweaking, but figured out getting all of the shapes out, so they could be used by the end user. Why they haven´t been made available in the standard, I can´t figure out - but I am sure you have your reasons.
But, work has to be saved, and as I use a database I used the stream approach (like with Dashboards), but… In the Dashboard the e.handled = true prevents the savediaglog to appear, but in the "DiagramSaveDocumentBarItem1.ItemClick" event, the e - parameter doesn´t have this function.
Is there a workarround, or… ???
Of course, what I want to achieve is, then the button is pressed, then data/stream is saved to my database (and this works), but then the save-dialog is shown - and it is this that I want to prevent, and has done so before with the e.handled setting.
PS. I know you do not want two questions a once, but - a quick reply - is it possible to print/export to pdf the drawn diagram, or ??? And is the only page-size settings the size of the area ?