Dear DevX, please provide the RTL support in XtraReport.
I'm just evaluating to see if XtraReport can handle RTL text via some fix. The sole BIG problem of Devx is the lack of report rtl support.
I visited almost all tickets (including this) about this problem in DevX Support but found no working solution.
I tried the non printing controls but it seems the XtraReport doesn't respect them.
C#return RLE + "اول " + LRE + "SECOND " + PDF + "ثالث" + RLM;
Please provide a working fix at least for the moment till you fix it completely so that I can rely on XtraReport to pay for the full product.
I also noticed that ReportPrintTool will respect the non-printing controls while `DocumentViewer` WPF control and `PrintHelper.ShowPrintPreview()` don't. I can use ReportPrintTool but I want to have a viewer control inside other control like DocumentViewer but with correct RTL display