[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A2275: ComboBox - Implement lookup feature with data binding]
I tested further. No, this horrible DEFECT (BUG) is still not fixed. You people say that it is "designed behavior", but you know that a bindable control should move the position of the BindingSource. Period, end of story. We all know it and you all know it, so stop being FEMS and own up to it. Most of all, fix this STUPIDITY. You people charge money for this?
In addition, your so-called "workaround" above, in VB.NET, suffers from two problems:
- It doesn't work.
- It's very poorly written. Take some classes! You don't even have a handler, for God's sake. Geez…
If the user selects the record at index 0 the binding manager isn't going to change position (from zero). Therefore, the BindingSource.CurrentChanged event won't fire. The need to work around your crap 'workaround' is utterly disappointing. How much money do you people spend to release broken controls? How embarassing…
Private Sub SearchEmployeeGridLookUpEdit_EditValueChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchEmployeeGridLookUpEdit.EditValueChanged
Dim editor = DirectCast(sender, GridLookUpEdit)
If Not IsNothing(editor.Properties.DataSource) Then
Dim manager = Me.BindingContext(editor.Properties.DataSource)
Dim index = editor.Properties.GetIndexByKeyValue(editor.EditValue)
If index = 0 Then
manager.Position = 1
End If
manager.Position = editor.Properties.View.GetDataSourceRowIndex(index)
End If
End Sub