Ticket T289562
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Format Rules Manager - How to restore last rule

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T186366: GridControl - Provide a Conditional Formatting manager]
Hello guys !
With the Conditional Formatting manager, can I restore the last rule on the Conditional Formatting form ? If not, how I can do this ?

Comments (2)
Sasha (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

    Hello Florent,
    Please accept our apologies for the delayed response.
    Would you please clarify what you mean by saying 'restore the last rule' ? Do you mean that you wish to restore a deleted rule? Or do you want to cancel changes made to a rule?
    Probably, this functionality can be found in any other product. If yes, please provide us with a video that illustrates this functionality. If not, would you please describe the scenario step by step?
    This information would help us to find an appropriate solution for you.

    I am looking forward to your response.

    FM FM
    Florent Maillot 9 years ago

      I use the property ShowConditionalFormattingItem to activate the conditional formatting feature for my data grids.
      A formatting rule applied at runtime in a listview by the user works great.
      But if the user log off and log on again, the formatting rule applied in the listview isn't saved/restored.
      This is what I mean by restore the last rule, it's restore the appearance imposed by the rule in the listview.

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)
        created 9 years ago


        Thank you for the clarification.
        To achieve this goal, I recommend you save and then restore GridControl's layout using the GridView.SaveLayoutTo~ and GridView.RestoreLayoutForm~ methods accordingly.
        Note, that it is important to set the OptionsLayoutGrid.StoreFormatRules property to True. Please try this approach and let us know your results.
        I am looking forward to your reply.

          Show previous comments (3)
          Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

            Hi Florent,

            I have already answered you yesterday. Please see my answer above.

            FM FM
            Florent Maillot 9 years ago

              Sorry Dennis, I wasn't see the answer above.
              Thank you very much.

              Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 9 years ago

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