Ticket T267449
Visible to All Users

We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Web Report Designer didn't show the filed in data binding dropdown

Web Report Designer shows the data source but in Data Binding it didn't show any field

created 10 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T264015: Web Report Designer - "To be able to run the Report Designer, the client web browser must support HTML5." error is displayed]
Thanks for your quick response to resolve the issue. Web Report Designer's display issue resolved. Now I'm facing one more issue that Web Report Designer shows the data source but in Data Binding it didn't show any field.
I've attached the sample project that produce the issue.
Waiting to hear from you soon.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Hi Tahir,

We detected that you have posted the same question to ticket T267250: Web Report Designer didn't show the filed in data binding dropdown. We kindly ask you to avoid posting duplicated issues in the future. This will save time, and will allow us to provide better service.

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