Is there a way to make the ASPxPopup act as a Tooltip?
I've already implemented a pseudo-tooltip using the ASPxPopupControl which is shown on a 'mouse move' event. It works pretty well as when the user points to a particular item in the window - in this case a THREE.JS canvas - some information appears. The popup appears exactly where it should provided the user arrives at a particular area on the screen coming from the right or bottom. As the user moves in this direction, I have it so that the ShowWindowAtPos() method updates the position.
Here's the problem … When the user moves from the top or from the left, the pointer is now over the ASPxPopup and so does not now move with the pointer. Also, the 'mouse move' event is not fired since (understandable) the pointer is now over the ASPxPopup.
Is there a way that the ASPxPopup can be made to 'follow' the pointer so that the top left corner is always at the tip of the pointer?