Ticket T193901
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

ASPxGridListEditor - Simplify the use of ImmediatePostData in editable List Views

XAF.Web: In inline edit immediatePost and Save post data parallel

created 10 years ago

Dear Support,
We have the following problem in an XAF Web Application:there is an inline-editable listview, besides that, there is a persistent classwith cca 20 properties. Some of them has the ImmediatePostData attribute. Ifthe last focused item is ImmediatePostData, and you click the save button, boththe postback and save happens at the same time, causing a double popup of theLoading bar. After that, the row edit finishes, then jumps in edit mode again.This issue seems to be happening when these actions can't be executed within ashort time (e. g. classes with lots of records, lots of properties, etc.). Thesame problem occurs if you click the cancel button instead of save.
I've attached a sample project and a video showing theproblem.
Thanks in advance,

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

    Hello Csaba.

    Thank you for your report. We cannot find an immediate solution to this issue. We will research this scenario further and inform you about the result as soon as we can.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

    Hello Csaba.

    The ImmediatePostData option is not supported in list views. To avoid further issues, we decided to suppress callbacks generated in an editable list view when this option is used on a business object (T195583). The behavior will be changed with the next maintenance update.

      Comments (2)

        ugh… did not see this in Known Issues or Breaking Changes;  we had a simple boolean with immediatepostdata working to toggle to text fields enabled/disabled - It worked before in our inline edit without problems.  Today user reported its not working anymore (unbeknownst to us) and sure enough, not seeing the callback.  :(  I guess I missed the note that said ImmediatePostData only supported for DetailViews

        DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

          @Randy: A note about ImmediatePostData supported in Detail Views only was there for years. The T195583 ticket was included in the list of v14.2.4 Closed Issues & Suggestions. If you consider issues related to the ImmediatePostData option in list views unsignificant for your application, you can get this partially-working functionality back using a controller described in the T195583 ticket.

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