Ticket T180868
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IE Compatibility Mode - How to correct Domain Controller Policy

created 10 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM KA18646: How to adjust DevExpress ASP.NET controls when opening a page in the Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode]
Hello  Mike,
Standard browser in our mill is IE, with possibility installing Firefox also…
Domain controller forces propably IE7 Document Type and mean that are our troubles with proper display web forms - screenshot.
What  C# statement from above should by the best for us ?

Comments (1)

    I added second screen with Compatibility Mode dialog box to our Domain.
    Main question of whether it makes sense to change something on Domain Controller - propably any scripts that set IE to  IE7 Documeny Type or set any of:
    in PreInit event in every page ?

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

    Hello Waldemar,

    If there is NO need to adjust your app for older IE versions, the simplest way to resolve this issue is to use the DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.ASPxWebControl.SetIECompatibilityModeEdge method (i.e., force the use of the latest available IE Compatibility Version).

    Note that starting with the upcoming major version 14.2, we have significantly improved this functionality.
    I will update the corresponding resources accordingly once a new version is available for download.

      Show previous comments (8)

        Great news! I am happy to hear about it.

          Hello again,
          Atrubute ieCompatibilityVersion="7" working great with IE9+.
          We have some old computers with WinXP + IE8 and seems that IE8 still has problems - attached png file - impossible to select value from combo list.
          Our question :
          Is possible to leave atribute ieCompatibilityVersion="7" in web.config for most cases with IE9+ and
          set PreInit event for other cases, e.g WinXP+IE8 ?
          protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Hello Waldemar,

            >>We have some old computers with WinXP + IE8 and seems that IE8 still has problems - attached png file - impossible to select value from combo list.

            The "ieCompatibilityVersion" option does the same at the application level (not a page). We have tested this new configuration option under the mentioned configuration.

            If you are still experiencing issues, would you please confirm?
            - If you have upgraded your application to version 14.2 (because the "DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses" namespace no longer exists there);
            - If this issue is browser-specific, invoke the browser's Dev Toolbar and:
                - Clarify the state of the Browser Mode / Document Mode settings set after loading a page;
                - Check if there are no errors in the console and the network monitor.

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