Ticket T151653
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Xaf Model validation rules in non-XAF application

created 10 years ago

I am trying to use the validation rules in a non-XAF application.

How can I load the validation rules that are defined in the Model?

I have looked at https://documentation.devexpress.com/#xaf/CustomDocument3294 but it does not explain how to load rules from the Model.

I have tried creating my own XafApplication descendant and adding all my modules to it. I then use Validator.RuleSet to validate but it only shows the rules that are defined in the attributes not the model.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)

Hello Tobie,

This is a specific and non-standard task, so you will not find guidelines for this in our public documentation.
Please review the source code of the ValidationModule.InitializeRuleSet and related methods to learn more on how to accomplish this task. In our code this method is triggered by the RuleSetInitializationController WindowController class. Since there may be no Frames and Controllers in your non-XAF app, you will have to trigger this module's method yourself. Of course, it assumes that all the required infrastructure is ready to use.

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