How can enduser customer add new table-form on the program (not using visual studio; only in the program);
is it possible ???
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How to create business classes at runtime based on predefined configurations or allow user to define custom members via the application UIHi
How can enduser customer add new table-form on the program (not using visual studio; only in the program);
is it possible ???
I am afraid this functionality is not supported out-of-box in XAF (at the moment, end-users can only add custom fields).
However, you can evaluate a third-party XAF extension, which may provide the functionality you are looking for: http://www.expandframework.com/#worldcreator
The Worldcreator module can create new assemblies on the fly as you create them in your Visual studio when you develop an XAF project. After the assembly generation you can configure them further using the XAF Model Editor. For any questions you might have on WorldCreator please use eXpandFramework forums http://www.expandframework.com/forum.html and go through the blog posts in the link that Dennis posted.
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