Ticket T1282161
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Bad data in datasource property

created 2 days ago

Hello support,
I have a non-persistent view, where I have a datasource property and I filter it according to something. And if there is less in that selection than in the previous one, I get empty rows.
Thank you, for your help.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created a day ago

Hello Lukáš,

Thank you for the sample project.

To show persistent objects in a non-Persistent object's view, you need to handle the OnObjectSpaceCreated event as demonstrated in the following thread: How to: Show Persistent Objects in a Non-Persistent Object's View.

using DevExpress.ExpressApp; //... builder.ObjectSpaceProviders.Events.OnObjectSpaceCreated = context => { CompositeObjectSpace compositeObjectSpace = context.ObjectSpace as CompositeObjectSpace; if (compositeObjectSpace != null) { if (!(compositeObjectSpace.Owner is CompositeObjectSpace)) { var objectSpaceProviderService = context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IObjectSpaceProviderService>(); var objectSpaceCustomizerService = context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IObjectSpaceCustomizerService>(); compositeObjectSpace.PopulateAdditionalObjectSpaces(objectSpaceProviderService, objectSpaceCustomizerService); } } }

To populate the lookup property editor, I recommend you use ObjectSpace to get persistent objects that will be used to populate the editor:

public IList<TestObject> TestObjs { get { if (testObjs == null) { if (Type == TestType.Type1) testObjs = ObjectSpace.GetObjects<TestObject>().Where(x => x.Test.StartsWith("1")).ToList(); if (Type == TestType.Type2) testObjs = ObjectSpace.GetObjects<TestObject>().Where(x => x.Test.StartsWith("2")).ToList(); } return testObjs; } }

See the following help topic for more information: How to: Implement Cascading Filtering for Lookup List Views > Scenario 4 - Populate the Lookup Property Manually.

I attached a modified project. Please let me know if it helps.


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